This was put on the video screen during the briefing. It's a track through last night's "donut" 3D Task, presumably one yielding a good result. However it's not an American track, as all of Team USA selected a different PDG than this competitor (we used PDG1 as shown on the graphic, this track scored on PDG2). Click on the image to see a full-sized version where you can better distinguish the inner and outer circles.
One very nice aspect of the flight briefings is that there is plenty of seating for crew. There's an inner "cage" where a only pilot and one crew person is allowed, but outside of that there's bleacher-type seating for hundreds of others. A sound system is used that allows everyone to hear very clearly, and wireless microphones are passed around for the pilots to use when asking questions. This is unlike some other events where those "not at the table" are not privy to the information conveyed.
Hi Jeff Thanks for the postings and all the great narrative! It brings back the World's I have Observed at and the fun in discovering the "differences" in other countries...always fun to check out the restaurants and grocery stores are so fun to wander and check out packaging, advertising and they always have great cookies and other treats!!! The pictures are fun to, seeing everyone and the surroundings of the event.
Jeff; I'm running late today, but had to check in on you all! Sorry it was a rain out hoping for a great day tomorrow and great results too! As I read your blog I keep thinking Derrick and staff need to print it out and make notes of the good and the'll make for some good ideas in two years! I'm sure everyone will be impressed with the roads in Battle Creek that's for sure!
Hi Jeff I saw the results on - GO TEAM USA!!!
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