Friday, October 1, 2010

In The Air!

After tonight's short briefing Paul, Johnny, Steve, and Joe flew VIP's from Ford of Hungary.

Then after dinner Larry and Paul took the party to the streets of Debrecen in their Ford S-MAX:

If the video doesn't play well, click where it says 720p above and change it to 360p. That will switch from high-def to standard-def, but will help it load faster and play smoother on some computers.

A "real" practice flight is planned for tomorrow morning.

Balloons In The Air. But Not Ours.

Today a couple of us got up early and watched some of the other competitors fly a practice flight. They started from outside the competition center, which I believe is a gymnasium for the local university.  In the red balloon below is German pilot David Strasmann, who is updating a blog regularly himself.

We followed them for awhile and came across a Hungarian real estate opportunity:

After that we wired the radios, inverters, and GPS's into our Ford Transit van:

Tonight we're planning to fly, and the weather looks good.  A digital copy of the map was finally posted (paper copies aren't ready yet), so we've now got the navigation computers for both the balloon and the vehicle up-and-running.  We verified this morning that's it's pretty wet and muddy in spots.  Some of the roads here are little more than tractor paths, but it's impossible to see that on a map.