Friday, October 1, 2010

Balloons In The Air. But Not Ours.

Today a couple of us got up early and watched some of the other competitors fly a practice flight. They started from outside the competition center, which I believe is a gymnasium for the local university.  In the red balloon below is German pilot David Strasmann, who is updating a blog regularly himself.

We followed them for awhile and came across a Hungarian real estate opportunity:

After that we wired the radios, inverters, and GPS's into our Ford Transit van:

Tonight we're planning to fly, and the weather looks good.  A digital copy of the map was finally posted (paper copies aren't ready yet), so we've now got the navigation computers for both the balloon and the vehicle up-and-running.  We verified this morning that's it's pretty wet and muddy in spots.  Some of the roads here are little more than tractor paths, but it's impossible to see that on a map.


Nancy E. said...

Feeling the excitement over here! Thanks for the great posts so far and looking forward to more! Hugs and best wishes for a great week to you all! Tell "Bucky" Frankenmuth is cheering for him :)