Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 5, PM Flight

A three-task evening from a common launch site was on the menu for tonight. Another wedding-cake variety 3-D Shape Task followed by two Hesitation Waltz tasks. Gravity drops were called for each (except the logger-scored 3D task) and as usual the tasks could be flown in any order. So the question was where to put the 3D goal - before the Hesitation Waltz's or after. Team USA opted to put them after, which made for uninterrupted approaches to the marker tasks. Paul, Johnny and Nick were all able to make it into the top layer of the cake. On nights like this it's impossible to tell how one scored relative to the field, so I'll avoid making any predictions.

Tomorrow morning is the final flight of the event.  Because the awards aren't until Sunday, we should be able to run a full slate of tasks (4-5?) and avoid the use of limited-area scoring.

We've now flown 13 tasks, 4 in the morning and 9 in the evening.  Strange.


Nancy E. said...

Go Team USA! Play it safe, play it smart and score great!

Jeff, I'm loving your updates, it's almost as good as being there..without having to get up early!

Patty Cramer said...

Jeff, thanks again for your coverage of the event but also for giving us a taste of the country and the culture. Between your posts and the ones on it is as close as you can get to being there and watching the USA kick butt.

Cyndi :-) said...

Hi Jeff

Great to read the update and thanks for the pictures! I'll look for the scores tomorrow and another flight...GO TEAM USA! ;-)