Hesitation Waltz, Land Run Task, Hesitation Waltz, Judge Declared Goal from a common launch area and flown in any order. We took off on the south side of town, then flew north and northwest. Driving through the morning rush hour really slowed Erica and me down. Fortunately Larry and Andrew (in the lead vehicle) were able to assist at all the targets. When our van finally did get in the area of the balloons we had trouble finding a "road" that was passable (photo below was what the Nuvi said to do). The Americans got lots of markers on the ground, but there's tales of some killer Land Run results by others. Need fight for fuel with 118 other balloons, then get some dry shoes and be ready for a 2:45pm briefing. We're going to try to get some lunch in there as well, but it might be trail mix and water. Probably two more tasks tonight would be my guess, but who knows...
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