The briefing area is in a large arena at the local university. I believe that the original intent was to use the entire floor area. However in the end we have only a portion of it, as the facility is also setup for team handball. And it appears that there's a game tonight, as a crew of 10 worked to clean the floor throughout the entire briefing. Only one crew person is allowed inside the "fence" with the pilot, but there is seating in the bleachers for others. There's just a single 6' gate through which everyone must enter and exit, so ~240 people trying to rush out at the conclusion of a meeting will be a good time.
The final practice flight of the event is scheduled for this evening. However Paul isn't going to fly, and I don't believe any other Americans will either. We'll have a good dinner, refuel the balloon, and get a good night's rest. The 4:00am alarm will come early tomorrow.
I love the opening sentence... LOL. So has Maury lost his record-holding position? Lynn Sullivan
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